Tuesday 28 September 2021

Cooking challenge-

Here are my cookies-

I found this a really fun challenge for me and my class to try and complete today! Why? Because you could finally make something that would be 1. Fun to make and 2. Delicious :). The thing that I had made for this challenge was chocolate chip cookies using a recipe from Edmonds cooking book. The ingredients I used for baking this was - 125g Butter (Softened), 1/4 Cup Sugar, 3 tbsp sweetened condensed milk, a few drops of vanilla essence, 1 1/2 Cups Plain Flour,  1 Tsp Baking Powder, 1/2 Cup Chocolate chips. The process of this was kinda confusing but I did catch on!, and yes my family said that they loved the cookies! 

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Manuka Honey !

 Link to the Video where I got information-


Why is Manuka Honey so Expensive?

Manuka honey is expensive because it is from NZ (which makes it premium). Manuka honey is also expensive because of the small periods of when the flower is opened (12 days), and there is a 2-6 week harvest period. Manuka can also be expensive for the long time period it takes to test, try, and ship out. Manuka is also thicker then other honeys and is one of the rarest honeys in our world.


Why is Manuka Honey tested?

Manuka Honey is tested in a lab to identify two unique compounds.


Manuka Honey can cost up to 99$ per 100 Gram.


How many Kilometers can bees travel to collect Manuka Honey?

Bees can travel Six kilometers.


What percentage of the world’s honey does Manuka represent?

One Percent


How much money does NZ make by exporting Manuka Honey?

204 Million (2021) 800 Million by 2028.


What compounds are tested in Manuka Honey to ensure it is pure NZ Manuka Honey?

1-Dihydroxyacetone (DHA)

2-Methylglyoxal (MgO)

3-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF)


How do you know if a bottle of honey is pure Manuka Honey?

If it’s 10+ NPA and 10+ UMF


Wednesday 1 September 2021

Acts Of Kindness

 -Picture of my act.

In this Picture it shows my mother eating an omelette that I had made for her. How may this be an act of kindness you may ask? It's an act of kindness by how I made it just for her, I decided to make it also for my mum is a full-time teacher and it must be hard for her to cope with doing online work while also taking care of her whole family! :) I also decided to make this for my mum so it could make her not feel as frustrated since she has to take care of online learning (because of level 4)

Wednesday 11 August 2021

My SnowPlanet Experience

 My Snowplanet Experience

After a tiring bus ride leading us to snow planet we had stepped off of the bus and glazed at the amazing paintings of mountains on the outside walls of Snowplanet. We could feel a bit nervous before heading into Snowplanet but knew that it would be an amazing experience to do.

As me and some of the Year 7-8 students had entered Snowplanet we could feel a welcoming breeze passing through us all. As we had entered through we had passed by the gift shop and cafe which was of course fall or warm things for skiing,snowboarding and snow-tubing. After seeing all of that we had walked through to the equipment space to find our equipment we may need for Snow Tubing. The first piece that we needed was the boots. The boots were quite hard for everyone to put on so we had all went 2-4 sizes above our normal shoe size (probably because of the tight space...) For me, the boots were really hard to put on since you had to try and fit your feet in a very small area. After all of that struggling and help everyone had moved onto applying waterproof pants. The pants were pretty warm when I had put them on but very baggy and saggy. They made my legs feel protected from the snow and that was really all I needed so that I didn’t get wet from the snow melting on me. Next everyone had been given gloves. The gloves did smell a bit stinky but at least they had helped us keep our hands warm during our Snowplanet session. Then we applied on our school jackets to keep us more warm and our helmets to keep us safe. Once everyone had put all of their gear on we had looked very cozy and comfortable...but also a bit annoyed from the boots.

After a long hard hour of trying to apply our gears we had finally entered the main doors of Snowplanet (where the snow is.) It was pretty cold when I entered the doors but I was actually really excited, probably because I have never touched,seen or even experience the feeling of snow. Straight away when we entered we were next to the SnowTubes and had been given a brief warming of some of the rules we must apply to. Once all the rules were given everyone ran up the hill and tried the small slide carefully in a line. Then everyone had moved onto the tobogganing. This was a really fun part of the “Winter Wonderland” since we were given a tobogganing and slid down the little slide. The funny part about this ride was that it went really slowly and that you had to push yourself down the track. As I had slid down it was going slowly and once I hit the bottom there was a bunch of snow covering me. Next we had finally moved onto the snow tubing. His part was my favourite because you had gone down a long slide with your snow tube. There was an escalator that would take you to the top and once you were there you could go up some stairs then covered by snow. Everyone had their snow tube with them as they were waiting in the line. I had went up the escalator and had seen a huge line, waiting for the next person to go down. When it was my side I had gone onto the left side slide because it goes more faster then the right. I enjoyed going down the slide because it was really fun and everytime you hit the side you would spin around. Everytime I went down the slide my snow tube would get more fulled with snow. Which made me laugh. After around two hours of playing in the snow and going down the slides we had wrapped up the day by eating lunch. Overall I enjoyed the snow planet stuff and loved it.

-Tiara :)

Thursday 5 August 2021

Gymnastics for today

Today, me and the rest of my class had participated in our first lesson of Gymnastics with Coach Zay! She had teached us that gymnastics is mainly based off of your balance skills and flexibility. Before we got taught some basic strategies she had teached us how to balance using one leg and how you can improve your balancing skills using your arms. After we had practiced balancing she had made us move onto “Floor Work”... Some of the movements were named Tuck Sit, Happy Cat, Angry Cat, Straddle, L Sit etc. Most of these were easy but in some of them you have to try and balance yourself with your hands like lifting yourself up! Next we played a game that Involves using your feet! We didn’t get told what it was named but it was quite fun to play. You had to pass the ball from one to another using ONLY your feet and if it dropped then you would have to redo it until you had successfully completed passing it onto the next person. In that game I had learnt that it was important to use your feet for different motions. After we had played the game the teacher asked us if we should move onto trying to do handstands and we all agreed. She had told us if we knew how to do one and we had all said yes and no...We had all tried to do handstands and some of us had achieved doing it when some of us didn’t. Either way it was still fun. After the session I had felt tired after doing all of that but in the end it was an amazing experience and very enjoyable to do.

Wednesday 28 July 2021

Kiwi Can

Today in Kiwi Can we had learnt about emotions. In this activity they told us the difference between emotions and feelings. Feelings is something that you feel and is classified under an emotion, for example.. You are depressed, that falls under you being sad which is an emotion. Next is Emotion, Emotion is something that stays with you for either a short time or a long time and is the common name or proper way of a feeling. Is this listen I learnt that you don't have to show your emotion to other and that its very easy to pick up when an emotion or feeling is coming from another person from the actions or way they perform something to you. After they broke down what emotions and feelings were we played a quick game based on it then lined up ready to walk back to out classroom.